Quickest way to remove the google site verification meta tag from HTML code on WordPress site

Quickest way to remove the google site verification meta tag from HTML code on WordPress site.

If your Google search console does not allow you to remove (or unverify) the owner or additional owners as Meta tag exists in the HTML code. Here is the quick solution !

– In WordPress, disable all the Plugins

– go to Google search console

– select the owner or owners you want to remove

– Click unverify – owner will be removed from console

Note: After removal, you can revert plugin status as per your need.

What is TestRunner in Cucumber

What is TestRunner in Cucumber

TestRunner is a program used in Cucumber to access Feature file as copied in the picture below.

Feature file is something that has user requirement scenarios  written in English which gives more readability and understandability of the requirement which is called Gherkin language.

So any roles in the company  like Tester, developer, end user, and techno functional person can read it and understand it. Also this will reduce the complication in terms of missing requirement or misrepresenting or misunderstanding requirements between different roles  like Developer , tester, and  end user,

In order to link Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver, you need to start a Java project in eclipse IDE. Then, add both Cucumber and Selenium jar files

Write test runner code and execute the same . Please refer BDD testing details on Selenium Cucumber

Sample Test runner code:


Selenium short video training

Selenium # 26 Selenium Implicit and Explicit wait

Selenium#25 Selenium Keyboard and Mouse events| keyDown(); keyUp(); sendKeys();doubleClick();

Selenium # 24 Coding example | WebElement | locator type xpath, id | driver. findElement short video

Protractor vs Selenium
Robot framework and Selenium2Library

Automaton testing using Cucumber – Behavior driven development (BDD)

Automation testing using Cucumber – Behavior driven development (BDD)

Application behavior is the main focus on BDD. The requirements are written in English which gives more readability and understandability of the requirement.

So any roles in the company like Tester, developer, end user, and techno functional person can read it and understand it. Also this will reduce the complication in terms of missing requirement or misrepresenting or misunderstanding requirements between different roles like Developer , tester ,  end user etc.

Gherkin is a business readable language, refer below for an example. Below feature file is integrated with Selenium and are having user stories as below.

Please refer below – “feature, Scenario, Given, When, And, Then “are the Keywords below to understand on how to write a feature file…

What is Feature file in Cucumber test and how to create a feature file.

Feature file is a part of Cucumber framework and it contains descriptions in English language.

Follow below path to create a feature file

create feature file

One sample transaction as below:

sample feature fileOne sample transaction example as below:

sample feature file transaction
sample feature file transaction

sample feature file

How to use Virtual user generator in HP LoadRunner

HP LoadRunner – how to use Virtual user generator.

1)      Under Windows menu >> HP Software >>  Click on Virtual user generator menu to open HP Virtual user generator application (if you already have HP LoadRunner is installed on machine)

Virtual user generator
Virtual user generator

2)      Select the protocol – refer Snapshot 1  below,

Note 1:  if you are not sure about the protocol, use the protocol adviser in the “Virtual user generator” application and scan the application to find out best matching protocols (refer Snapshot 2 below)

Note 2: for web applications usually “Web – HTTP/HTML” is the protocol, you add additional protocols for database e.g ODBC or Oracle.

Snapshot 1

Virtual user generator protocol
Virtual user generator protocol

Snapshot 2


Virtual user generator protocol
Virtual user generator protocol

Click on create button in the above snapshot

2.  Enter url as copied below in snapshot

3. Then Click start recording

Snapshot 3

record settings
record settings

4)      Once your application pop us – start doing the business transactions which you wanted to do. You will see recording status is updated as below (adding time – below snapshot 4 shows 2.58 min recording )

Snapshot 4


5)      Once the code is developed – HP LoadRunner Controller is used to setup the scenario – refer the Performance best practices to get the flow.

19 regular expression methods in UFT/QTP

19 regular expression methods in UFT/QTP

1.       Period (.) is used to represent or replace any symbol except new line

2.       Asterisk (*) represents zero or more occurrences

3.       Caret (^) sign instructs beginning of the line

4.       Dollar ($) sign instructs end of line

5.       \b instructs Word boundary

6.       ? instructs zero or more occurrences

7.       + instructs one or more occurrences

8.       {} represents exact number of occurrences

9.       []  represents any character in the set

10.   [^]  represents any character NOT in the set

11.   () represents Group

12.   I represents Or

13.   \n represents new line

14.   \W represents any non-Word character

15.   \d is any digit

16.   \D is any non-digit

17.   \s is any white space character

18.   \S is any non- white space character

19.   \ is escape special character

How to setup Recovery scenarios in QTP/UFT

How to setup Recovery scenarios in QTP/UFT

To handle unexpected errors, popup etc , QTP/UFT uses this feature (also when existing code is not designed to handle this issue)

1.       Navigate to Resources > Recovery Scenario Manager

1 Recovery scenarios manager
1 Recovery scenarios manager

2.       Click on below marked icon. Select the trigger (here is Pop up window)

2 Recovery scenarios trigger
2 Recovery scenarios trigger

3.       Now record the trigger – if required Regular expression can be added. It will add window title automatically.

3 Recovery scenarios trigger config
3 Recovery scenarios trigger config

4.       Now select the recovery operation.

4 Recovery scenarios trigger operation
4 Recovery scenarios trigger operation

5.       After recovery operation go to post recovery operation as copied below

5 post Recovery scenarios
5 post Recovery scenarios

How to do smart identification in QTP

How to do smart identification in QTP

Smart identification is needed when recorded script fails to recognize the application object (it may be due to multiple objects has same properties/values or recorded property value is changed)

Smart identification uses additional 2 set of object identification layers (1. Base filter properties 2. Optional filter properties) apart from regular mandatory, assistive properties.

1.       To get smart identification enabled – navigate Tools > Object identification.

1 object identification
1 object identification

2.       On object identification window – click on configure to add 1. Base filter properties 2. Optional filter properties as shown below.

2 object identification properties
2 object identification properties

How to do parameterization in HP UFT/QTP

Parameterization is used to replace the hard coded recorded values in the code.

How to do parameterization in HP UFT/QTP

1. Record the script and find out the values that you want to parameterize it.

2. Refer below – user login id is intended to parameterize here.

3. Click on View > Keyword View

keyword view
keyword view

4. Will bring the below screen and click the value field (marked in green below)

keyword edit
keyword edit

5. should bring below screen

keyword edit table
keyword edit table

6. Select parameter and give a meaningful name as below

keyword parameter
keyword parameter

7. click ok

keyword parameter ok
keyword parameter ok

8. now go back to Editor

qtp editor view
qtp editor view

9. as you see below, original code is updated with parameterization and you could see the script execution window updating the application under test (gmail.com) is updated with the parameterized value.

qtp source code
qtp source code



10. QTP results viewer is updated with parameterized values

qtp results

qtp results

How to view source code on HTML code using Chrome or Firefox browser.

How to view source code on HTML code using Chrome browser or Firefox browser.

How to view source code on HTML code using Chrome or Firefox browser.

 1)      Open browser in Chrome or in Firefox

2)      Type “view-source:url “ for e.g view-source:shalimatech.com type in Chrome/Firefox browser, that will show the HTML code .

 Please refer below youtube links for videos or similar videos,



connecting qtp to qc, step by step.

connecting qtp to qc, step by step.

connecting qtp with qc. How to connect qtp with QC where QC stored all the QTP scripts.

1) Open QTP and navigate to  ALM Connection

2) Fill the QC/ALM URL, User id , password and click on Connect
3) Once it is connected, HP ALM connection window will show as below.