How to setup angular project

How to setup Angular project and generate components ?

  1. install latest nodejs from
  2. Go to git bash/powershell ISE/CMD
  3. type following commands,
  4. install Angular : npm install -g @angular/cli
  5. ng new my-newweb-app
  6. ng g c myFirstModule or type mg generate component myFirstModule (optional)
  7. go to project folder ” my-newweb-app ” via commandline itself
  8. type mg serve -o

Other programming notes

select [(ngModel)]=”value” (change)=”selected()”

option *ngFor=”let item of data” [ngValue]=”item”>{{}}</option


data:Array = [
{id: 0, name: “Test “},
{id: 1, name: “Test2”}

div>  <input ref-email placeholder=”text here” />  </div

What is ELK

What is ELK (Elastic search, Logstash, Kibana) ?

ELK stack is a combination of 3 open-source products as below,

  1. Elasticsearch, a search and analytics engine.
  2. Logstash, that index the data to Elasticsearch. Logstash has a config file that has input,filter and output section. Config file looks like json file.
  3. Kibana, a visualization tool which provides a web based GUI for a user. User can design the bar, plot reporting charts.
    In order to make Kibana and Elasticsearch interact, you need to make both server up and running. Then logstash will index the data to Elasticsearch. 
    Then Kibana would read the data from Elasticsearch and visualize it.

DevOps vs DevSecOps vs NetOps

What is DevOps vs DevSecOps vs NetOps ?

DevOps is the practice of using set of tools, processes and practices to get good agility in software implementation to customers. It combines Dev (software development ) and Ops (information operations). DevOps shortens the development lifecycles and provides Continous Integration & Delivery. 
DevSecOps is when security features are included in DevOps CI/CD flow.
NetOps is when network services are packaged to DevOps.

Jenkins job vs pipeline

What is Jenkins jobs and Jenkins pipeline ?

Jenkins jobs and Jenkins pipeline are essentially same, however pipeline is more staged flow of jobs. For Jenkins pipeline, Jenkinsfile is used.
What is Jenkinsfile?Jenkinsfile is a text file placed in the root project directory. The Jenkinsfile has multiple stages like build, unit test, sonar test, functional,  regression, integration,  performance testing, deployment etc.

What are the limits in Salesforce

What are the limits in Salesforce

  1. Master detail relationships – 2
  2. Look up relationships – 40
  3. No.of dashboard components – 20
  4. Total Workflow rules per object – 500
  5. Active workflow rules – 50
  6. Approval process – 500
  7. Sharing rules (Criteria and Ownership based) – 300
  8. Sharing rules (Criteria based only) -50
  9. Validation rules – 100
  10. Field tracking – 20 (Additional 20 with chatter)
  11. No. of custom objects – 2000
  12. No. of custom fields – 500

Vivo IPL 2017 probable Schedule

Vivo IPL 2017 probable Schedule are yet to be announced.. Below are the probable one referring various is heard that Vivo electronics for sponsor ship on this year ..more updates yet to come..

9/4/2017 MI/RPS
10/4/2017 KKR/DD
11/4/2017 KXIP/GL
12/4/2017 RCB/SRH
13/4/2017 KKR/MI
14/4/2017 GL/RPS
15/4/2017 DD/KXIP
16/4/2017 SRH/KKR
16/4/2017 MI/GL
17/4/2017 KXIP/RPS
17/4/2017 RCB/DD
18/4/2017 SRH/MI
19/4/2017 KXIP/KKR
20/4/2017 MI/RCB
21/4/2017 GL/SRH
22/4/2017 RPS/RCB
23/4/2017 DD/MI
23/4/2017 SRH/KXIP
24/4/2017 GL/RCB
24/4/2017 RPS/KKR
25/4/2017 KXIP/MI
26/4/2017 SRH/RPS
27/4/2017 DD/GL
28/4/2017 MI/KKR
29/4/2017 RPS/GL
30/4/2017 DD/KKR
30/4/2017 SRH/RCB
01/5/2017 GL/KXIP
01/5/2017 RPS/MI
02/5/2017 RCB/KKR
03/5/2017 GL/DD
04/5/2017 KKR/KXIP
05/5/2017 DD/RPS
06/5/2017 SRH/GL
07/5/2017 RCB/RPS
07/5/2017 KXIP/DD
08/5/2017 MI/SRH
08/5/2017 KKR/GL
09/5/2017 KXIP/RCB
10/5/2017 RPS/SRH
11/5/2017 RCB/MI
12/5/2017 SRH/DD
13/5/2017 MI/KXIP
14/5/2017 RCB/GL
14/5/2017 KKR/RPS
15/5/2017 MI/DD
15/5/2017 KXIP/SRH
16/5/2017 KKR/RCB
17/5/2017 RPS/DD
18/5/2017 RCB/KXIP
19/5/2017 GL/KKR
20/5/2017 DD/SRH
21/5/2017 RPS/KXIP
21/5/2017 GL/MI
22/5/2017 KKR/SRH
22/5/2017 DD/RCB
23/5/2017 REST DAY
24/5/2017 qualifier 1
25/5/2017 eliminator
26/5/2017 REST DAY
27/5/2017 qualifier 2
28/5/2017 REST DAY
29/5/2017 GRAND FINALE