Terraform Jenkins pipeline setup

Terraform Jenkins pipeline setup

Assume Jenkins server is already setup

Dowload and install terraform cli.
Note the path of terraform binary downloaded

Install Terraform plugin from Jenkins plugin Manager.

Navigate to Global tool configuration in jenkins.
in terraform section, map the terraform binary folder path

create pipeline jenkins job

write pipeline script, utilize pipeline script
generator’s option ‘Declarative Directive Generator’ for terraform scripting

utilize pipeline script generator, create different CI/CDstages like git checkout, sonar, image publish

OpenShift Container Platform

What is Openshift Container Platform?

Openshift Container platform is Red Hat’s PaaS for Applocation development and deployment.

OCP supports various deployment strategy with help of Docker(Pods) and Jenkins under the hood.

Openshift Container platform (OCP) Build
Deployment pipeline:

After login to OCP

  1. Follow YAML build strategy, git connections etc
  2. Add Jenkins deployment startegy in YAML

“Creat Deployment” option in console will change to “Start pipeline” as YAML build config is created

Click “Start Pipeline”, wait for build to create
pods. A link for Jenkins dashboard will be disaplyed in OCP console

Enable Webhook integration with OCP endpoint
for triggering jobs on git commits

here after on every Git code commits would
build and deploys using OCP

AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals notes

AZ 900 notes 📝 helps for exam preparations:

  1. Network Security group (NSG) to allow/deny traffic with in Subnet
  2. Azure monitor shows the health of entire Azure Infrastructure but Vinrtual Machine Blade shows health of Virtual Machine(VM) level.
  3. Azure advanced threat protection prevents attacks and threats
  4. Azure advanced Identity protection and Azure privileged Identity management helps Identity protection
  5. Azure public preview does not guarantee any SLA.
  6. Powershell and command prompt used for launching Azure commandline interface
  7. Azure DevOps pipeline is used for build, deploy and test code
  8. Disk attached to VM incur costs apart from VM cost
  9. Azure AD Identity protection uses policies to enforce Multi factor Authentication (MFA)
  10. Azure Identity Management provides access to resources or uses to have to have additional verification or authentication
  11. Azure scale set creates/deploys VMs
  12. Azure load balancer to route traffic to backend/OS level.
  13. Azure web apps to host web apps.
  14. Azure Traffic Manager for DNS based traffic routing
  15. Azure data lake or SQL Datawarehouse is to store large data and for infrequent access needs. PowerBI used to visualize data
  16. Azure AD Basic comes with 99.9% SLA.
  17. Subnet is part of network security
  18. Azure region in middle east is UAE
  19. Germany and China Azure region requires special contracts.
  20. Azure trust center lists the Azure certified standards
  21. Azure service health alerts service issues or region wide down issues.
  22. Azure firewall and threat intelligence block to and from traffic to malicious IP or domains.
  23. DDoS attacks slow down, exhausts or stop app resources
  24. Azure AD connect helps to sync On premises AD and Azure AD
  25. Azure App Service and Azure SQL databases would be supported by PaaS solutions.
  26. To minimize capital and operational expenditure, a private cloud is recommended for an existing on premises infrastructure looking for additional resources
  27. Make sure deploying VMs into two or more AZs to avoid downtime.
  28. Deploying our data centers are Capital expenditure
  29. Azure Resource Manager helps to setup common platform for object deployment to cloud infra and also make sure consistency across Azure infra.
  30. Azure functions supports serverless computing capabilities
  31. Azure firewall controls the traffic to Azure virtual networks
  32. Files service storage solution in Azure is meant for mapped drive.
  33. Azure advisor provides guidance and recommendation on VM costing , improve Azure environment
  34. It is not an option to use Azure cloud shell for Chrome OS for running PowerShell scripts
  35. Fault tolerance is the ability to remain operational without any failure.
  36. Same Azure DDoS protection plan supports Virtual network from multiple subscribers

Interview Questions

What is Kernel in Operating system?

Kernel is the center core of operating system that controls all the low level activities. Kernel coordinate the software and hardware integration.

What is BIOS?

BIOS is the basic input output system to initiate the booting process and kicked off prior OS takes care of user interactions via software interfaces.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the practice and processes meant to protect computer systems, programs and networks from malware attacks, data theft etc.

What is penetration testing?

Penetration testing is a planned and controlled ethical hacking on computer system to make sure system is stable against the hackers and malware programs.

What is port scanning ?

Port scanning is a method of identifying which server or network port are open and listening. This is the first step usually hackers do when they target a system.

What is DDoS ?

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is cyber attack where the hacker tried to bring down the system or network or servers by loading the system with heavy transactions. These attacks make the system temporarily or indefinitely unavailable to users.

What is Botnet ?

Botnet is a group of compromised computers/servers often referred as ‘zombies’ in the control of hackers which may cause DDoS , data theft , unauthorized attack on host systems/network/servers.

What is web reconnaissance ?

Web reconnaissance is the hacking process where the intruder makes the compromised system to gather the nerwork vulnerabilities to make use of further hacking.

What is PyTorch ?

PyTorch is a machine learning library written in python and C++. PyTorch is used for Machine learning projects like computer Vision, Natural language processing. Facebook had developed PyTorch.

What is Computer Vision?

Computer Vision (CV) is an Artificial Intelligence on Machines to be able to identify and categorize real world object using machine learning models, images and videos.

My Experiments On Ultraviolet-C Lamp


Background: COVID-19 situation impacted our lifestyle a lot ! and lazy me, looking for an easy alternative for hand soap and clorex for cleaning all groceries, amazon packages and what not that arrives to home.

Experiment 1: What you see below in the 1st picture is an experiment with Ultraviolet-C (UVC) lamp on action. Two specimens of Yeast are tested for it’s growth. First sample is exposed to UV-C lamp for 15 minutes and second is not as per 2nd picture below.

3rd picture – right after placing Yeast to sugar water mixture.

4th picture – Yeast after 30 minutes in sugar water.

Results : didn’t come the way I expected to be where ‘NO’ Yeast growth for the first UV-C exposed sample but appears to be a little growth as you will notice in the results comparison.

This tells me that ,

1. May be Yeast as the test target is not right one for UVC. Note that Manufacturer only states that the UVC targets the microbes DNA and causes structural damage preventing their reproduction.

2. I haven’t tested it properly as you will see some of the yeast particles were not exposed to UVC light as hidden by others that you might have observed in the first picture above.

Conclusion: Not able to confirm the product effectiveness by above test. So I still need to search for right test target or better options to confirm Product effectiveness before I replace my regular Coronavirus sanitation with this 😇

Disclaimer: UVC is harmful for humans, please go through the user guide and instructions from product manufacturer

RaspberryPi projects for kids


Stay@home projects for kids – implementing many fun programming options using RaspberryPi. Here is how I was able to successfully engage my 9 year old to fun programming that helps her code interactive stories, animations and games using Scratch programming plus other few RaspberryPI projects. Implementation steps include,

  1. OS installation on RaspberryPi : Installing Raspbian on RaspberryPi needs downloading Raspbian image and write that to microSD card.
  2. Setting up RaspberryPI: insert the miscroSD card to RaspberryPi and then connect the basic peripherals like mouse, keyboard, TV screen, and power source.
  3. Now all set to enjoy RaspberryPi during Stay@home time !!!

4. Select the Programming Menu to start Scratch from TV monitor

5. About Scratch – It is block based visual programming language primarily targeted for children. Ref – https://scratch.mit.edu/

6. Other RaspberryPi development options – refer https://shalimatech.com/what-is-docker-file-image-container/

What is Ansible molecule

What is Ansible Molecule and how to install Ansible Molecule ?

Testing your Ansible roles with Molecule: Ansible molecule project is helpful for Ansible roles development and testing. Ansible molecule have been great help for developing ansible testing framework and scenarios.

How to install Molecule?

python3 -m pip install –user “molecule[lint]”

molecule docker image is also available and is a good alternative way to implement ansible molecule.

Ansible molecule Anatomy:

Below are the Anatomy of Ansible molecule,


name: this can be galaxy or Shell or Gilt


name: this can be docker, cloud like Azure, EC2, DigitalOcean etc


name: this can lint the program. For example ‘yamllint’ for yml playbook files.

platform: this configures driver specific platforms, populates hosts, handle interactions


provisioner: this configures ansible playbooks run.

name: ansible


name: ansible-lint

verifier: this configures what to run for tests.

name: ansible


name: ansible-lint

scenario: this configures how test scenario runs…






-syntax etc