How does Karate framework work

What is Karate Framework and API test automation is done using Karate ?


Karate framework is the only framework that combines API, Web Automation, mock and performance testing using Gatling. It supports some level of RPA/RDA testing by integrating Sikuli with it’s scritps.

Stackoverflow links related with Karate framework

Karate framework can be build using gradle or maven. If you already know Cucumber framework it is easy to learn Karate framework. Karate uses feature files and Karate specific DSL supports both API and Web automation. Karate’s Java runner file can call the feature file having Karate DSL to perform API transactions like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

Karate version 0.9.5 released in 2020 has the following features,

  1. Debug from Visual Source code IDE
  2. Hot reload, step over / into / out / back

In 2019, Karate started web automation. Karate 0.9.5 feature will make Karate as complete test automation framework supporting both API and Web automation. Also another point to be noted is Karate’s integration with Sikulix for Desktop automation, integration with Gatling for performance testing and Mocking support for API testing.

Performance testing tutorial

Performance testing tutorial – Advanced.

Jmeter Performance test scenario – Creating a Jmeter Performance test scenario

Thread Group: Thread group is the number of virtual users performing the transaction on application under test.

How to add Thread group?

  1. Right click on the TestPlan
  2. Select Add>Thread Group from the popup.

Performance testing best practices and activities.

Performance testing best practices and activities.

  1. As first step, Performance Engineer needs to learn the requirements, performance expectations & system architecture.

Note: To learn the performance requirements & expectations, SME (Subject matter expert ) or production user can help. This information will help to define performance goals and SLAs

  1. Then develop best matching performance test scenarios, approach, define goals (SLAs) & sign off test plan.

Note 1: To identify the right performance test scenarios, SME can give some feedback on about the current performance issues in production / live application that he/she is facing.

Note 2:  You can refer another blog of mine on different types of performance scenarios – click link load testing vs performance testing vs stress testing

  1. Now Performance Engineer can developer V– USER scripts and execute the scripts in Controller to generate performance analysis results

Note 1: Apart from delivering performance analysis results, Performance Engineer  can coordinate with other team to monitor real time performance on Database server, Application server and also make sure load balancing is working fine while stress testing.

Some of the e.g. when performance testing is needed

  1. for Database upgrade,
  2. Application upgrade,
  3. Or if user complains that application performance is bad – like page response is not meeting his/her expectations.

Performance testing vs Load testing vs Stress testing vs Endurance testing

1. Performance testing – The main purpose of Performance testing is to arrive the benchmark & baseline of the system behavior (e.g response time) under normal/moderate load. This test will help performance engineer  to analyse how does the application behave under normal conditions.

2. Load testing  – here load will be constantly and steadily increased over a given period of time. i.e the constant load applied for a constant period of time. For example a load of 100 users are applied for 15 min.

3. Stress test – it is meant to push the system beyond the normal load limits or extreme conditions. This test is to make sure the servers don’t crash or what point it crashes. Stress test will  verify the breaking point of the system or how much load, system can withstand.

For example a load of 100 users are applied for 15 min and then 150 users load is applied for next 15 min. then 200 users load is applied for next 15 min. Verify at what point system stopped to respond.

4. Endurance testing – for easy understanding, I would say it is a “Load testing on extended period” to make sure web servers are performing longer period of time. For example a load of 100 users are applied for 48 hours

Note: Once the performance testing is completed successfully, tester can assume the performance requirements are met and he can start load testing. After that Stress testing if required.

Load testing tools in the market are

1) HPE LoadRunner is from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

2) JMeter – Apache JMeter. It is a Java based performance testing tool works on web communication layer (HTTP)

Summary about Jmeter and performance testing

Jmeter recording

How to create Jmeter scripts?

Recording Jmeter scripts using Jmeter’s HTTP(S) Test Script recorder. There are two ways

1)      Manually adding scripts ( Test plan >> Tread Group >> Add>> Sampler >> HTTP Request )

2)      Recording using Jmeter’s HTTP(S) Test Script recorder

How to record Jmeter scripts using HTTP(S) Test Script recorder

Prior doing that we need to configure browser and learn about the Proxy setup

Jmeter to Application server communication need to be routed through a browser Proxy for this recording purpose. For that you may need to select the Browser (here we can use Firefox browser”

1)      Navigate to Firefox >> Tools >> options >> Advanced >> Network >> Settings

2)      Select Manual Proxy configuration >> HTTP Proxy = localhost & Port = 8080

How to run Jmeter in Jenkins


Jenkins setup and performance plugin setup:
1) copy performance plugin into Jenkin’s home directry before you start the test.
2) to do that – you can download the performance plugin “performance.hpi” from the site
3) how to find the home directry of jenkins – to do that you can navigate to jenkins home page (localhost:8080) and then
4) click on “Manage Jenkins” and then click on “Configure system” the you will notice “Home directy” path in there.

Configure Jmeter and create a basic script in Jmeter:
5) download Jmeter Binary zip file from Jmeter site
6) unzip it and go to the “bin” directory of the Jmeter folder, wherre you will notice “” file.
7) open the file in notepad or notepad++ or any other text editor
8) add a line “” to that. Save and close the “” file
9) create a Jmeter script and make sure you can run it in non GUI mode i.e either in DOS mode or using shell scripts in MAC (note down the commands used in respective OS and it could be used in Jenkins job setup)
Note: for windows command line run, you can use the following commands

C:\[JMETER BIN directory]\jmeter.bat -n -t C:\[JMETER script “.jmx” file] -l Jmeter_test_results.jtl

Note 1: For detailed topics on Jmeter scripts creation , please visit Jmeter , Jmeter recording 

setup Jenkin’s job to run Jmeter scripts
9) go to Jenkins home page (localhost:8080) and then click on “New Item” on “Freestyle project”
10) in the “New item” page, give some name in the item name field and go to below to section “Build” and add build step
11) add build step can be either a) “execute windows batch command” for windows or b) “Execute shell” for MAC
12) provide your command in there and save.
13) Click on “Build now” which would call the Jmeter (jmx) file and run the program
14) after the run, you can verify the Jenkins console to review the results.

What is Rendezvous point with reference to performance testing

Rendezvous point is Synchronization or Wait point. Rendezvous points makes Vusers to wait during test execution and multiple Vusers will simultaneously perform a task.

Rendezvous is mainly used to emulate heavy load on a particular scenario/ transaction to test the application behavior.

How to test the latency issues in Microsoft windows version upgrades

Latency issues generally occurs as a side effects of patch updates in windows. It may occur as audio/video streaming performance issues.
Latency issues can be tested using LatencyMon or Thesycon
Note : Thesycon is more effective on lower versions on windows like 7 or lower.

Web server vs Application server vs Database server

Web server serves a web content (HTML and static content) over the HTTP protocol.

Application server is a container on which one can build and expose business logic and processes to client applications through various protocols like HTTP. Some cases it will have internal web server. Application server is heavy in terms of resource usage.

Database server refers to the back-end system of a database application using client/server architecture. The database server performs tasks such as data analysis, storage, data manipulation, archiving, and other non-user specific tasks

What is Web server?

A Web server can process HTTP requests and respond with HTML pages, provided the requests are handled by server side programs

It uses HTTP protocol to transmit the request/responses. Here Web server handled both request/response and business logic. This is more rigid design.

A web transaction using web server will be like this as below,

Browser (click operation to display some results on a grid> ==> Request goes to web server (Apache HTTP server) ==> Database

Apache Jmeter key topics for basic level users.

Performance testing – Jmeter recording steps

Performance testing – load balancing

Performance testing – Load runner

Selenium Tutorial

Selenium and Jenkins

Selenium features as below

 Selenium supports Cross Browser Testing. The Selenium tests can be run on multiple browsers and multiple machines and multiple Operating systems.

Supports several scripting languages like Java, Python, C#, and PHP.

Selenium uses Browser native commands. It locates and actions applied on UI elements,

Reporting are very easy and extensible.

TestNG quick summary:

 TestNG’s is Selenium + reporting features. It is easy to generate reports using Listeners and Reporters in TestNG

 Features of TestNG includes the following,

1)      Annotations – please refer my annotation blog Annotation – TestNG’s test case priority

2)      Supports parameterization/ data driven testing

3)      Test cases can be grouped and parallel testing is allowed.

Automaton testing using Cucumber – Behavior driven development (BDD)

Application behavior is the main focus on BDD. The requirements are written in English which gives more readability and understandability of the requirement.

So any roles in the company (Tester, developer, end user, and techno functional person) can read it and understand it. Also this will reduce the complication in terms of missing requirement or misrepresenting or misunderstanding requirements between different roles (Developer /tester / end user)

Gherkin is a business readable language – refer below for an example. Below feature file is integrated with Selenium and are having user stories as below.

Please refer below – “feature, Scenario, Given, When, And, Then “are the Keywords below to understand on how to write a feature file.

Selenium jenkins integration steps are as below:

Jenkin related steps:
1) start jenkins by running command in DOS prompt (detailed steps in here )
2) then make sure you are able to access url : localhost:8080
3) then you need to configure jenkins to run the selenium scripts – for that click on “Manage Jenkins”
4) then click on Configure systems
5) Find out the jdk files are installed (usually in C:\ program files … folder path) and copy paste the path in JDK section “JDK Installations” in ” Configure systems” which you are already in.
6) Give JDK name “JAVA_HOME” and provide Java path below in the next field.Selenium related steps:
3) Open eclipse IDE and start new Java project
4) make sure you added selenium jars (Selenium server standalone jar file which you can download add to new project) to support selenium framework for your automation testing.
5) then create a simple selenium script – make sure it is running and completing successfully in Eclipse.
6) Also create a xml file give a name “Xml1.xml”  Make sure Run “Xml1.xml” as “TestNG Suite” is working fine in Eclipse. Also notedown the xml file path in selenium project. create a lib folder in that and add all jar files which are required.Commmand prompt:
7) navigate to that project folder in command prompt and set all required classpath like bin and lib etc which are already in xml file folder in selenium project which you got from selenium project in eclipse.
8) then type command “Java org.testng.testNG Xml1.xml” which will display results in command prompt/DOS screen
9) now create a batch file “Batch1.bat” which contains the above command and also a command for compiling as e.g “java -cp bin;lib/* org.testng.testNG Xml1.xml”Jenkins setup to build and run the file:
10) in Jenkins, create a “new item” with selection of “Freestyle project”
11) then select “Advance options” and put the Selenium project home directory path in there.
12) the build trigger section, select Batch file execution option in there, then put the batch file name “Batch1.bat”
13) click and save the new item
14) click on “Build Now” and verify the “Console output”

How to configure Hub & Node machines for selenium parallel test execution
Configuring Hub machine

1) Start the command prompt/DOS prompt

2) Navigate to the folder location where the Selenium server jar file is kept.

3) Type java –jar selenium-server-standalone-[VERSION].jar –role hub

Note: [VERSION] is the one your downloaded version of selenium-server-standalone Jar file.

Your will see the below screen

Selenium Hub
Selenium Hub

4) Now type: http://localhost:4444 in browser

Your will see the below screen

5) Now type: http://localhost:4444/console in browser

You will see the below screen


Configuring Node machines

Follow the same steps 1 to 2 in node machines

Then type,

Java –jar selenium-server-standalone-[VERSION].jar –role node –hub http://yourHUBmachineIP:4444/grid/register

Selenium Node

What is TestRunner in Cucumber

In order to link Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver, you need to start a Java project in eclipse IDE.

Then, add both Cucumber and Selenium jar files

Write test runner code and execute the same . Please refer BDD testing details on Selenium Cucumber

What is Protractor testing framework

Protractor is a test framework mainly intended for Angular and AngularJS applications.

During Protractor execution you no longer need to add waits specifically to wait for your next test. Protractor can automatically execute the next step in your test the moment the webpage finishes pending transaction.

Protractor expected condition setting code sample below:

var expectedCondition = protractor.ExpectedConditions; var elementOne = element(‘UserId’)); browser.wait(expectedCondition.presenceOf(elementOne), 10000); expect(elememtOne.isPresent()).toBeTruthy();

Protractor vs Selenium

QA Automation Interview questions

QA Automation Interview questions

  1. Differentiate final , finally, finalize (Short Ans: final method can’t be overridden, final variable can’t be changed, finally goes with try/catch, finalize is garbage collector)
  2. how to handle exceptions in java (Ans: try catch, throws, etc)
  3. how to use parameters in cucumber/testNG (Ans: scenario outline,tidy gherkin plugin, vs testng.xml-suite,test,class,method;)
  4. compare TestNG and Cucumber BDD (Ans: testng.xml, POM,vs feature file,Junit testrunner,stepDefention, POM)
  5. how to validate flatfiles , db using Java (Ans: input filestream, driver class connection, server name, instance , authentication, sql statement)
  6. how to skip method/test in TestNG, Cucumber BDD (Ans: testng.xml, annotation, cucumber tags on testrunner)
  7. differentiate encapsulation , abstraction
  8. what are interface and explain the methods – webdriver interface, driver object reference, FF/IEdriver class (Since interface can not be instantiated)
  9. write programs – sort array, print number in reverse, print string reverse, etc
  10. how does SSL works , public key-private key, session encryption etc
  11. method overridden vs method overloading (super class methods are overridden by child class when both has same methods, overload – one class has multiple methods with same method name but different parameters)
  12. Selenium automation challenges (ajax – webdriver wait methods, frames switch, alert.accept, multiple windows handlers, pdf in webpage, alert vs modal confuse, dynamic id,name-use xpath contains, etc)
  13. handle dropdown – select class
  14. feature file extension
  15. bufferbuilder usage
  16. what is background, scenarios outline, before/afterhooks vs tags, 
  17. usage of autoit, robotclass, javascript executor, 
  18. Jenkins schedule batch, report generation, 
  19. grid setup, hub and node, run on dos prompt, or use JSON file to configure nodes and run JSON on commandline..then connect in Jenkins 
  20. how to manage Git versions between two teams
  21. What is data structure and use of it test automation

Summary of Web services and API testing using UFT

Summary of Web services and API testing using UFT


Web services

Demand of Web services is already high in the new internet era since applications are built in different technology / databases and connected through internet. So communication between is only possible through a commonly accepted media which are Web services
Web services are XML format based services which use media as HTTP to communicate and it is loosely coupled where there no hard binding with client.


WSDL is a document in XML format which describes a web service and defines which transactions are available and data should be structured to send to those transactions.

WSDL (Web services description language) helps client to initiate the correct web service

Webserver client needs WSDL to initiate Web services and Web server providers generates WSDL.


UDDI is the online directory which has all the WDSL available and all web services client gets that from UDDI.

Web services has two implementations.



SOAP is the XML based implementation for web service and it has 3 main components which are
a. Envelope – represents root elements
b. Header – stores authentication, routing id for web service transaction.
c. Body – stores all data which are intended to transfer to webservice client.

SOAP uses HTTP as media for transferring data. Format used in XML.


REST is more flexible implementation as it uses text format and media other than HTTP as well.

API testing using UFT

UFT is a software automation tool. Apart from automation test scenarios it supports API testing. Following AP testing are supported.

Web service


In UFT user can create a new API project by clicking File > New > Test..
Select the  API Test type
Then navigate to tool box in the left
Click on Network once it’s exploded,
Drag HTTP Request to Test flow
Right click and select the properties
Fill the URL, select HTTP method as GET
Also you can configure the checkpoints.

Cucumber Scenario data table and Scenario Outline data table

Summary about Jmeter and performance testing

Summary about Jmeter and performance testing

Jmeter recording

How to create Jmeter scripts?

Recording Jmeter scripts using Jmeter’s HTTP(S) Test Script recorder. There are two ways

1)      Manually adding scripts ( Test plan >> Tread Group >> Add>> Sampler >> HTTP Request )

2)      Recording using Jmeter’s HTTP(S) Test Script recorder

How to record Jmeter scripts using HTTP(S) Test Script recorder

Prior doing that we need to configure browser and learn about the Proxy setup

Jmeter to Application server communication need to be routed through a browser Proxy for this recording purpose. For that you may need to select the Browser (here we can use Firefox browser”

1)      Navigate to Firefox >> Tools >> options >> Advanced >> Network >> Settings

2)      Select Manual Proxy configuration >> HTTP Proxy = localhost & Port = 8080

How to run Jmeter in Jenkins


Jenkins setup and performance plugin setup:
1) copy performance plugin into Jenkin’s home directry before you start the test.
2) to do that – you can download the performance plugin “performance.hpi” from the site
3) how to find the home directry of jenkins – to do that you can navigate to jenkins home page (localhost:8080) and then
4) click on “Manage Jenkins” and then click on “Configure system” the you will notice “Home directy” path in there.

Configure Jmeter and create a basic script in Jmeter:
5) download Jmeter Binary zip file from Jmeter site
6) unzip it and go to the “bin” directory of the Jmeter folder, wherre you will notice “” file.
7) open the file in notepad or notepad++ or any other text editor
8) add a line “” to that. Save and close the “” file
9) create a Jmeter script and make sure you can run it in non GUI mode i.e either in DOS mode or using shell scripts in MAC (note down the commands used in respective OS and it could be used in Jenkins job setup)
Note: for windows command line run, you can use the following commands

C:\[JMETER BIN directory]\jmeter.bat -n -t C:\[JMETER script “.jmx” file] -l Jmeter_test_results.jtl

Note 1: For detailed topics on Jmeter scripts creation , please visit Jmeter , Jmeter recording 

setup Jenkin’s job to run Jmeter scripts
9) go to Jenkins home page (localhost:8080) and then click on “New Item” on “Freestyle project”
10) in the “New item” page, give some name in the item name field and go to below to section “Build” and add build step
11) add build step can be either a) “execute windows batch command” for windows or b) “Execute shell” for MAC
12) provide your command in there and save.
13) Click on “Build now” which would call the Jmeter (jmx) file and run the program
14) after the run, you can verify the Jenkins console to review the results.

Summary about Jenkins, Selenium and QTP automation frameworks

Summary about Jenkins, Selenium and QTP automation frameworks

How to run Jenkins locally

1) go to and download Jenkins.war file
2) place the war file in a folder (e.g. C:\Jenkins\Jenkins.war )
3) then open command prompt (windows start menu > run > cmd will open command prompt )
4) in command prompt, go to folder C:\Jenkins\ ( command : “CD C:\Jenkins\” )  and then run command ” java -jar Jenkins.war ”
5) this will exract a folder name “.jenkins” into your user folder ( the path is usually “C:\users\”your login”\.jenkins”
6) copy “.jenkins” folder and paste to folder C:\Jenkins\, so that you have “C:\Jenkins\.jenkins” as the folder path.
7) Now you setup a Enviroment variable (to set up that go to Control panel > system > Advanced System settings )
8) then add Enviroment variable as “JENKINS_HOME” and value as “C:\Jenkins\.jenkins”

You all set to run Jenkins on your machine!

Open a browser and type “localhost:8080” to see Jenkins session.

Selenium features

Selenium supports Cross Browser Testing and parallel testing. The Selenium tests can be run on multiple browsers and multiple machines and multiple Operating systems. Selenium offers open source tools and supports test automation for web applications

Supports several scripting languages like Java, Python, C#, and PHP

Reporting are very easy and extensible,  Selenium uses Browser native commands. It locates and actions applied on UI elements

TestNG quick summary:

TestNG’s is Selenium + reporting features. It is easy to generate reports using Listeners and Reporters in TestNG

Features of TestNG includes the following,

1)      Annotations – please refer my annotation blog Annotation – TestNG’s test case priority

2)      Supports parameterization/ data driven testing

3)      Test cases can be grouped and parallel testing is allowed.

Automaton testing using Cucumber – Behavior driven development (BDD)

Application behavior is the main focus on BDD. The requirements are written in English which gives more readability and understandability of the requirement.

So any roles in the company (Tester, developer, end user, and techno functional person) can read it and understand it. Also this will reduce the complication in terms of missing requirement or misrepresenting or misunderstanding requirements between different roles (Developer /tester / end user)

Gherkin is a business readable language – refer below for an example. Below feature file is integrated with Selenium and are having user stories as below.

Please refer below – “feature, Scenario, Given, When, And, Then “are the Keywords below to understand on how to write a feature file.

What is TestRunner in Cucumber

In order to link Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver, you need to start a Java project in eclipse IDE.

Then, add both Cucumber and Selenium jar files

Write test runner code and execute the same . Please refer BDD testing details on Selenium Cucumber

Selenium jenkins integration steps are as below:

Jenkin related steps:
1) start jenkins by running command in DOS prompt (detailed steps in here )
2) then make sure you are able to access url : localhost:8080
3) then you need to configure jenkins to run the selenium scripts – for that click on “Manage Jenkins”
4) then click on Configure systems
5) Find out the jdk files are installed (usually in C:\ program files … folder path) and copy paste the path in JDK section “JDK Installations” in ” Configure systems” which you are already in.
6) Give JDK name “JAVA_HOME” and provide Java path below in the next field.

Selenium related steps:
3) Open eclipse IDE and start new Java project
4) make sure you added selenium jars (Selenium server standalone jar file which you can download add to new project) to support selenium framework for your automation testing.
5) then create a simple selenium script – make sure it is running and completing successfully in Eclipse.
6) Also create a xml file give a name “Xml1.xml”  Make sure Run “Xml1.xml” as “TestNG Suite” is working fine in Eclipse. Also notedown the xml file path in selenium project. create a lib folder in that and add all jar files which are required.

Commmand prompt:
7) navigate to that project folder in command prompt and set all required classpath like bin and lib etc which are already in xml file folder in selenium project which you got from selenium project in eclipse.
8) then type command “Java org.testng.testNG Xml1.xml” which will display results in command prompt/DOS screen
9) now create a batch file “Batch1.bat” which contains the above command and also a command for compiling as e.g “java -cp bin;lib/* org.testng.testNG Xml1.xml”

Jenkins setup to build and run the file:
10) in Jenkins, create a “new item” with selection of “Freestyle project”
11) then select “Advance options” and put the Selenium project home directory path in there.
12) the build trigger section, select Batch file execution option in there, then put the batch file name “Batch1.bat”
13) click and save the new item
14) click on “Build Now” and verify the “Console output”


How to configure Hub & Node machines for selenium parallel test execution

Configuring Hub machine

1) Start the command prompt/DOS prompt

2) Navigate to the folder location where the Selenium server jar file is kept.

3) Type java –jar selenium-server-standalone-[VERSION].jar –role hub

Note: [VERSION] is the one your downloaded version of selenium-server-standalone Jar file.

Selenium Hub

4) Now type: http://localhost:4444 in browser

Your will see the below screen

5) Now type: http://localhost:4444/console in browser

Configuring Node machines

Follow the same steps 1 to 2 in node machines

Then type,

Java –jar selenium-server-standalone-[VERSION].jar –role node –hub http://yourHUBmachineIP:4444/grid/register

How to run selenium tests in Jenkins

Jenkins configuration:

To run selenium scripts in Jenkins, Jenkins needs to started.

To make Jenkins server start, please use the following command in the Jenkins folder of your machine when Jenkins.warfile is downloaded from internet…

  1. “java -jar jenkins.war” in DOS / command prompt mode.
  2. Then you need to bring the browser up and type “localhost:8080” to see jenkins web UI ready.
  3. Then navigate to Jenkins >> Manage Jenkins and click on “Configure system”
  4. Then scroll down to see the “JDK installations” section in the pag
  5. There you enter “JAVA_HOME” for “JDK name” field.
  6. Provide the Java-JDK file folder path for “JAVA_HOME” field.

Note:  Java-JDK file folder path is usually “C:\Program files\Java\JDK….”

Note: Disable “Install Automatically” check box else it will update with new Java versions and your selenium program might get conflicts

Selenium script development:

  1. create a package and class in Eclipse
  2. and then create a small test script – like print some message based on UI or Browser title name etc
  3. you could create a TestNG project
  4. Then TestNG.xml file will be created in Eclipse

Note: to get the XML folder path in project home directory, you could go to Eclipse project and right click to see properties.

Note: you also need to put all the jar files required for selenium testing under the lib folder(you may need to create”lib” folder)

Just to test your TestNG scripts are working, you can navigate to Project home directly (XML located) through DOS/Command prompt and then type as below:

Note: before that you need to set class path as bin directory of Project home folder. Command : “set classpath=C:\Selenium\project\bin;” as an example for binary file

Note1: similarly lib files, Command : “set classpath=C:\Selenium\project\lib\*” as an example

or command: set classpath=C:\Selenium\project\bin;C:\Selenium\project\lib\*;

Then execute testng.xml file through command prompt

command : java org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

Batch file creation for Jenkin execution

Create a batch file using notepad – steps

  1. Type the below contents in Notepad without quotes.

‘ java -cp bi;lib/* org.testng.TestNG testng.xml ‘

2) save the notepad as “runSelenium.bat” which will create a bat file. Place it in project home directory.

Jenkins job creation:

  1. Open Jenkins, then click on “New item”
  2. Enter item name as “JenkinSeleniumTest”
  3. Select “Freestyle project” , click Ok
  4. Then click on “Advance” button under the “Advance projects options”
  5. Then select “Use custom workspace”, then give the project home directory path in “Directory” field.
  6. Then “Add build setup” under “Build” and select “Execute Windows batch Command”
  7. Then type “runSelenium.bat” in the command field, click apply and save it.
  8. Then in the “JenkinSeleniumTest”, then click on “Build Now” which will call the batch file and then Selenium script internally.
  9. Verify the “Console output” in “JenkinSeleniumTest” which will show the Selenium execution results.

How to send email at every build with Jenkins

Jenkins default configuration setting allows to send email notification for build failure, someone breaks the build etc.

  1. To send email for every build Install Email-ext plugin.
  2. Once it is installed, click on Configure System
  3. Then in “Jenkins Location” section & “Extended E-mail Notification” – enter your email ids
  4. In “E-mail Notification” section, enter the SMTP server name to “SMTP server”
  5. Click “Advanced”, Click “Use SMTP Authentication” to enter required information
  6. verify “Test configuration by sending test e-mail”
  7. Configure a project to send email at every build
  8. Click “Add post-build action” and then Click “Editable Email Notification”
  9. Go to  “Advanced Settings” to “Add Trigger”
  10. then Click “Always” , Save

Qtp script to close all open browsers ..

Call CloseAllBrowsers_ExcludingALM()

Function CloseAllBrowsers_ExcludingALM()
‘To ceclare Variables
Dim objDes, objList, objIndex

‘To Create Object Description for all opened browsers opened.
Set objDes=Description.Create
objDes.Add “micClass”,”Browser”

‘To get all the opened browsers objects from Desktop
Set ObjList=Desktop.ChildObjects(objDes)

‘Indexing always starts from “0”
For objIndex=0 to objList.count-1
‘To cverify the name of the browser is “HP Application Lifecycle Management”
If lcase(objList(objIndex).GetROproperty(“name”))<>”HP Application Lifecycle Management” then
‘Close the Browser
Exit For
End If

Jenkins reset user password :

First stop the Jenkins service if you are already running jenkins

Go to the folder where jenkin’s config.xml file is stored (generally C:\jenkins\.jenkins\config.xml)

Open config.xml file using notepad++ or any text editor

Search for <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> and change that to <useSecurity>false</useSecurity>, Save the file.

re-start Jenkins service (using Java -jar jenkins.war in commandline)

You should not be seeing login prompt but directly accessing Jenkins home page when you type localhost:8080 in browser.

QTP integration with Jenkins

Create a “.vbs” file as below and save the file as “AOM.vbs” in C:\QTP\VBS folder.
In Jenkins create Job, Select ‘Execute Windows Batch Command’ in Build Step. Enter below command.
and then use that in Jenkins.
Note: To learn how to create a Jenkins job or how to start Jenkins – please refer create a Jenkins job and Run Jenkins locally in my site.
Below code is the “AOM.vbs” which is called by Jenkins Job.
Call QTP()
Public function QTP()
‘Create Quick test pro(QTP/UFT) object
Set objQTP = CreateObject(“QuickTest.Application”)
objQTP.Visible = True
‘to open QTP Test
objQTP.Open “Test file path “, True
Set objResults= CreateObject(“QuickTest.RunResultsOptions”)
objResults.ResultsLocation = “Result path of qtp”  ‘Set the results location
‘to run qtp script results
objQTP.Test.Run objResults
‘to close QTP
End function