Java access modifiers:default, public, privateand protected

Java access modifiers:default, public, privateand protected.

1. default access modifier:here variables and methodsare accessible with in samepakage and not in other pakages

2. public access modifier:variables and methods are acce-ssible in same & other pakages

3. private access modifier:does not allow accessoutside to class or file

4. protected access modifier:here same pakage accessis allowed and other pakageaccess is allowed throughsubclass by extending theclass having protectedvariables and methods


Docker image commands

//Build an image fromDockerfile and tag it docker

build -t appimage:1.1

//List all images

docker image ls

//Delete an image

docker image rm appimage:1.1

// to get rootprivilege use’sudo’ before above commands

e. g. sudo docker image ls


Most useful git commands

Most useful git commands are git init, git add ., git commit, git push, git pull, git feth

1. git init// to start local repo

2. git add .//to add local changesto staging area

3. git commit -m “change1″// to collect stagedchanges

4. git push// to push localcommittedchanges toremote branch

5. git fetch// will fetchremote branchchanges to yourlocal repo (notto workspcae)

6. git pull// it is git fetch + mergeto your workspace

7. git remote show origin// to find remote git url

8. git checkout baranch// checkout to local branchall commits will be recorded

9. git checkout -b branch// create new local branchand check out

What is Blue/Green Deployment and its Pros/Cons

What is Blue/Green Deployment and its Pros/Cons

t’s an Advanced
Deployment process
with following steps

1. While Blue environment
is active and supporting
production users,
Green environment
will be upgraded,
then smoke tested

2. After successful
smoke test, Load balancer
will direct user traffic
to Green environment

3. Now Blue
will be upgraded

availability of services
during deployment

Expensive to maintain
production environment

What is Rolling Updates – Advanced deployment strategy

DevOps #2 What is Rolling Updates or Deployment | Incremental node updates on multi node environment

Rolling updates are
done for Multi node
environment. Here
each node will
be taken out, upgraded,
smoke tested and
then redeployed.
Process repeated until
all nodes are upgraded

zero downtime

may be noticed
due to each node
level updates