How to use Virtual user generator in HP LoadRunner

HP LoadRunner – how to use Virtual user generator.

1)      Under Windows menu >> HP Software >>  Click on Virtual user generator menu to open HP Virtual user generator application (if you already have HP LoadRunner is installed on machine)

Virtual user generator
Virtual user generator

2)      Select the protocol – refer Snapshot 1  below,

Note 1:  if you are not sure about the protocol, use the protocol adviser in the “Virtual user generator” application and scan the application to find out best matching protocols (refer Snapshot 2 below)

Note 2: for web applications usually “Web – HTTP/HTML” is the protocol, you add additional protocols for database e.g ODBC or Oracle.

Snapshot 1

Virtual user generator protocol
Virtual user generator protocol

Snapshot 2


Virtual user generator protocol
Virtual user generator protocol

Click on create button in the above snapshot

2.  Enter url as copied below in snapshot

3. Then Click start recording

Snapshot 3

record settings
record settings

4)      Once your application pop us – start doing the business transactions which you wanted to do. You will see recording status is updated as below (adding time – below snapshot 4 shows 2.58 min recording )

Snapshot 4


5)      Once the code is developed – HP LoadRunner Controller is used to setup the scenario – refer the Performance best practices to get the flow.