qtp script to close all open browsers ..
Call CloseAllBrowsers_ExcludingALM()
Function CloseAllBrowsers_ExcludingALM()
‘To ceclare Variables
Dim objDes, objList, objIndex
‘To Create Object Description for all opened browsers opened.
Set objDes=Description.Create
objDes.Add “micClass”,”Browser”
‘To get all the opened browsers objects from Desktop
Set ObjList=Desktop.ChildObjects(objDes)
‘Indexing always starts from “0”
For objIndex=0 to objList.count-1
‘To cverify the name of the browser is “HP Application Lifecycle Management”
If lcase(objList(objIndex).GetROproperty(“name”))<>”HP Application Lifecycle Management” then
‘Close the Browser
Exit For
End If