What is Cucumber dependency injection in Selenium Projects?

You would notice Cucumber Selenium project has step definitions and hooks classes. Cucumber options glueing these step definitions and hooks to generate class instances using dependency injections before each Scenario

What is dependency injection?
Dependency injection is a design pattern where an object or function can receive other object or function.
In java you would notice constructor injection and setter injection. Spring projects are example using dependency

How to setup kubernetes on windows WSL

How do I setup Kubernetes and run kubectl commands from windows machine

WSL(Windows subsystems linux) can be leveraged when you want to run kubectl commands from windows machine. Steps as below,

  1. Enable WSL with Kalilinux
  2. Install Windows Docker
  3. Create docker hub account and link account to Windows docker
  4. In Windows docker, go to settings
  5. Then enable Kubernetes
  6. Setup Persistent volume claim (pvc) by creating a yaml configuration for this.
  7. Run kubectl apply to yaml file
  8. When creating pods, or does kubectl deployment, make sure volume mounting done based on pvc
  9. Verify pod status by accessing commandline to docker containet directories

What is Java collection framework

Collection framework in java is set of interfaces and classes that forms a collection of data Objects

Set, List, and Queus are interfaces helps to build collection. Map is really not a collection as it is key/value pairs of data.

Java collections help us to create group of objects and it iterates in data container, helping developer to do data operations like add, modify, remove etc.

My Experiments On Ultraviolet-C Lamp


Background: COVID-19 situation impacted our lifestyle a lot ! and lazy me, looking for an easy alternative for hand soap and clorex for cleaning all groceries, amazon packages and what not that arrives to home.

Experiment 1: What you see below in the 1st picture is an experiment with Ultraviolet-C (UVC) lamp on action. Two specimens of Yeast are tested for it’s growth. First sample is exposed to UV-C lamp for 15 minutes and second is not as per 2nd picture below.

3rd picture – right after placing Yeast to sugar water mixture.

4th picture – Yeast after 30 minutes in sugar water.

Results : didn’t come the way I expected to be where ‘NO’ Yeast growth for the first UV-C exposed sample but appears to be a little growth as you will notice in the results comparison.

This tells me that ,

1. May be Yeast as the test target is not right one for UVC. Note that Manufacturer only states that the UVC targets the microbes DNA and causes structural damage preventing their reproduction.

2. I haven’t tested it properly as you will see some of the yeast particles were not exposed to UVC light as hidden by others that you might have observed in the first picture above.

Conclusion: Not able to confirm the product effectiveness by above test. So I still need to search for right test target or better options to confirm Product effectiveness before I replace my regular Coronavirus sanitation with this 😇

Disclaimer: UVC is harmful for humans, please go through the user guide and instructions from product manufacturer

Easy Mango Dessert – 5 minutes Recipe



  • Mango- 1 large, pealed and sliced
  • Plain yogurt- half cup
  • Sugar- 4 tablespoon (sweetness as preferred)
  • Cardamom- one pod powdered
  • Dry fruits- for topping
  • Apple- 1 sliced into small cubes

In a blender/mixer blend mango pieces, cardamom powder and sugar. In a bowl add yogurt and mix with the blended mixture.

Transfer the mango and yogurt mixture in the serving bowls and garnish with the toppings.

Disclaimer: Some people will be allergenic to certain food products mentioned above – please use your judgment and consult with health experts before you prepare and consume it. We shall not be responsible for the outcome of any recipe anyone try from this website.

Eggplant Pizza Bites


( please be patient blog is not completed with recipes section 😊)

Disclaimer: Some people will be allergenic to certain food products mentioned above – please use your judgment and consult with health experts before you prepare and consume it. We shall not be responsible for the outcome of any recipe anyone try from this website.

Crispy Falafel Recipe



( please be patient blog is not completed with recipes section 😊)

Disclaimer: Some people will be allergenic to certain food products mentioned above – please use your judgment and consult with health experts before you prepare and consume it. We shall not be responsible for the outcome of any recipe anyone try from this website.

Easy Shrimp Masala



( please be patient blog is not completed with recipes section 😊)

Disclaimer: Some people will be allergenic to certain food products mentioned above – please use your judgment and consult with health experts before you prepare and consume it. We shall not be responsible for the outcome of any recipe anyone try from this website.