Git basic concepts to remeber

Git basic concepts
to remeber:

  1. working directory:
    this is local folder where
    coding is done using IDE
  2. staging area:
    git add command move
    code from working directory (1)
    to staging area
  3. local repository:
    git commit command will move
    code to local repo with a commit id
  4. remote repository :
    During git push code will get moved to remote repo that will be git/bitbucket

git fetch will move remote
repo commits to local repo

git merge moves code from local
repo to working directory

What is JUnit and what are the mostly used Annotations

JUnit is a unit testing library.

@Test – is an Annotation to mark test method in a class to act like test.

@TestFactory – Annotation for creating test method on run time, done by creating ranodmized tests or tests from external data

@DisplayName – to make reports readable with repoet name

@Disabled – to skip junit tests

@BeforeAll/@BeforeEach – lofe cycle mthods meant to run before tests

@AfterAll/@AfterEach – method to do clean up/tear down, meant execute after tests


What are the new features in Python 3.9

Python 3.9 features:

1. High performance andflexibility – PEG basedparser (replaced currentLL(1) ) has high performanceand stability.

2. New 2 operatorsmerge “|”, and “|=” updateare introduced forDictionary operations

3. new two string functionsadded to string object for easy coding experience.they are ‘removeprefix(string)’and removesuffix(string) as below’prefix-n’. removeprefix(‘prefix-‘)’n-suffix’. removesuffix(‘-suffix’)both code provides ‘n’ as result

4. Type hinting for built-in generictypes for easy coding & understanding

What is single and double slash for xpath

What is Single slash ‘/’
in Xpath in selenium:

Single slash ‘/’ is used
when absolute Xpath
is considered for Element
identification for Selenium

What is Double slash ‘//’
in Xpath in selenium:

Double slash ‘//’ is used
when relative Xpath
is considered for Element
identification for Selenium

Relative Xpath ‘//’
is better Element
identification strategy

Java access modifiers:default, public, privateand protected

Java access modifiers:default, public, privateand protected.

1. default access modifier:here variables and methodsare accessible with in samepakage and not in other pakages

2. public access modifier:variables and methods are acce-ssible in same & other pakages

3. private access modifier:does not allow accessoutside to class or file

4. protected access modifier:here same pakage accessis allowed and other pakageaccess is allowed throughsubclass by extending theclass having protectedvariables and methods


Docker image commands

//Build an image fromDockerfile and tag it docker

build -t appimage:1.1

//List all images

docker image ls

//Delete an image

docker image rm appimage:1.1

// to get rootprivilege use’sudo’ before above commands

e. g. sudo docker image ls
