Components of 3 tier architecture – Web server vs Application server vs Database server

  • Web server serves a web content (HTML and static content) over the HTTP protocol.
  • Application server is a container on which one can build and expose business logic and processes to client applications through various protocols like HTTP. Some cases it will have internal web server. Application server is heavy in terms of resource usage.
  • Database server refers to the back-end system of a database application using client/server architecture. The database server performs tasks such as data analysis, storage, data manipulation, archiving, and other non-user specific tasks


What is amazon aws


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of AWS currently provides more than 100 services and helps to setup high computing power, data storage, queuing, notification, machine learning, security, monitoring services available under AWS management console.

AWS Free Tier includes 750 hours of Linux and Windows t2.micro instances each month for one year as per Amazon website. Please check  // or // website for more accurate details and to confirm this.
The quickest way to learn AWS is by creating free tier aws account by clicking below link.

Different AWS cloud services?

VPC, EC2, S3, SNS, SQS,  ML, Developer tools, Analytics, IAM, Media services etc.


What is VPC?

VPC lets us to place our AWS resources in a virtual network the way we wanted. As you can see below VPC 3 tier architecture holds the resources and makes a secure communication between the internet and your VPC.
VPC 3 tier architecture using AWS cloud services as below:
Amazon VPC – 3 tier architecture

here in the above diagram, Availability zone 1 has Web server 1, App server 1 and DB server 1 orchestrated 

Similarly, Availability zone 1 has Web server 2, App server 2 and DB server 2 orchestrated. 

The load balancer is placed to handle the load between the servers



What is EC2?

EC2 stands for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a cloud service provides secure, resizable compute capacity. In simple terms it allows us to setup a windows, Linux servers in 2-3 minutes.

How to setup a Windows server and Linux server?

AWS Free account gives access to AWS console.
Create a free account and select Linux and Windows t2.micro instances under EC2 option under AWS Dashboard.
Follow the instructions and make sure select “Free Tier Eligible servers” and after learning the process, terminate servers as to avoid the usage of computing services and storage.
Quick – easy to create/terminate servers.
Inexpensive – Gives an option to select the matching server configurations to reduce cost.   
Secure – EC2 works along with VPC to provide high security with robust networking features.
Elastic Web scale computing – enable to increase/decrease server capacity in minutes by adding/removing 100 of servers simultaneously. 
Integration – easy integration to VPC, S3, RDS etc.
Please click on S3Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 
Please click on RDS Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)
Please click on VPC– Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
Please click on RPA Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

How to run selenium on linux server using Firefox binary

How to run selenium on linux server using Firefox binary

String Xport = System.getProperty(“”, “:1”); // setup firefox binary to start Xvfb
final File ffPath = new File(System.getProperty(“lmportal.deploy.firefox.path”, “/usr/bin/firefox”));
FirefoxBinary ffBinary = new FirefoxBinary(ffPath);
ffBinary.setEnvironmentProperty(“DISPLAY”, Xport);

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffBinary, null);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

How to handle the error popup on site security certificate is not trusted with chrome selenium python automation

How to handle the error popup on site security certificate is not trusted with chrome selenium python automation

For Chrome, add –ignore-certificate-errors in following code
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)

For the Internet Explorer, set acceptSslCerts desired capability as true:
capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities().INTERNETEXPLORER
capabilities[‘acceptSslCerts’] = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(capabilities=capabilities)

For Firefox, set accept_untrusted_certs as true

profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
profile.accept_untrusted_certs = True
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile)

What are the limits in Salesforce

What are the limits in Salesforce

  1. Master detail relationships – 2
  2. Look up relationships – 40
  3. No.of dashboard components – 20
  4. Total Workflow rules per object – 500
  5. Active workflow rules – 50
  6. Approval process – 500
  7. Sharing rules (Criteria and Ownership based) – 300
  8. Sharing rules (Criteria based only) -50
  9. Validation rules – 100
  10. Field tracking – 20 (Additional 20 with chatter)
  11. No. of custom objects – 2000
  12. No. of custom fields – 500

Nia’s readings

Nia’s readings from Library,

  1. Ms. Leakey Is Freaky! – by Dan Gutman
  2. Ms. Hannah Is Bananas! – by Dan Gutman
  3. Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew- Case of the Sneaky Snowman by Carolyn Keene
  4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney
  5. Help your Kids with Computer Coding 
  6. The phantom bully by Jeffrey Brown.
  7. Goosebump series Be careful what you wish for Samantha Byrd
  8. Goosebump series Night of the Living dummy Lindy Powell
  9. Goosebump series Night of the Living dummy Kris Powell
  10. Goosebump series Say Cheese and die Greg Banks
  11. Goosebump series Say Cheese and die Shari Walkar
  12. Goosebump series Be careful what you wish for – Samantha Byrd
  13. Goosebump series Stay out of the basement
  14. Carolines secret message
  15. Coach Hyatt is a Riot ! by Dan Gutman
  16. The Riddle of the Robin
  17. out of this world
  18. Dan Gutman – oh Valendtine we’ve lost our minds
  19. Sarah Mlynowski – whatever after dream on
  20. Sarah Mlynowski – whatever after bad hair day
  21. Lacey Little Mermaid Fairy
  22. Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew
  23. Miss Lazar is Bizarre
  24. Gemma and the Ultimate Standoff
  25. Owl Diaries Eva and Baby Mo
  26. A J’s Rules for school
  27. My first monologue
  28. When the Ghost Dog Howls
  29. Cinderella
  30. Harry Potter series, 8/8 books 
  31. Wings of fire, 13/15 
  32. Percy Jackson series 5/5 

Salesforce Admin Syllabus

Salesforce Admin Syllabus

  • Types of Objects & Fields
    • Standard Objects (Sample video link below)
    • Custom Objects (Sample video link below)
    • Standard Fields
    • Custom Fields

  • Types of Relationships, Field Dependency
  • Visualforce
  • Custom, Console application
  • Field Accessibility
  • Grant Login Access
  • Calendar, Console Tab
  • Trusted IP Ranges
  • Session Settings
  • Different types of Email templates
    • Text
    • HTML (using Letterhead)
    • Custom (without using Letterhead)
  • Different types of tabs
    • Custom Object Tab
    • Web Tab
    • Visualforce Tab
  • Field History Tracking in Salesforce, Feed Tracking
  • View setup audit trail
  • Organization Wide Default
  • Roles, Role Hierarchy
  • Sharing Rules
  • Profiles
  • Permission Sets
  • Password Policies
  • Developer console
  • Validation Rules
  • Approval process
  • Reports and Dashboards
  • Scheduling reports
  • Report Types
  • Adding dashboards in Home page
  • Chatter, Chatter Desktop
  • Queues
  • Public Groups
  • Assignment Rules, Auto Response Rule
  • Views
  • Domain Registration
  • Workflow rules
    • Email Alert
    • Task
    • Field Update
    • Outbound Message
  • Search Layouts
  • Search Results
    • Lookup Dialogs, Phone Dialogs
    • Accounts Tab
    • Accounts List View
    • Search Filter Fields
  • Page Layout
  • Mini Console View
  • Mini Page Layout
  • Record Types
  • Apex Data loader tool
  • com Explorer tool, Sites
  • Data Management
    • Analytic Snapshots
    • Import Accounts/Contacts, Leads, Solutions, Custom Objects
    • Data Export
    • Storage Usage
    • Mass Transfer Records
    • Mass Delete Records
    • Mass Transfer Approval Requests
    • Mass Update Addresses
    • Data Loader
  • Tags in Salesforce
  • Live Agent
  • Public Solutions
  • Chatter Answers
  • Entitlement Management
  • How to access Salesforce from all IP Ranges – App Exchange application
  • Mass Edit, Delete – App Exchange application
  • Login Hours restriction for Profiles
  • Edit, Delete and Clone Buttons
  • App Exchange, Chat Settings(Chat Window)
  • Email to Case
  • Web-to-Lead
  • Web-to-Case
  • Schema Builder
  • Visualforce page
  • Actions in Salesforce
  • How to expire all the users password in Salesforce?
  • How Salesforce login works?
  • Account, Opportunity and Case teams
  • Manual Sharing
  • Renaming Tab Names and Labels
  • Io,
  • Merge tool
  • Chatter Approval Request
  • Opportunity Split
  • Workbench,
  • Escalation Rules
  • Adding Multiple Users
  • Account Hierarchy
  • Multi-Tenant Architecture
  • Creating Custom Tab Style in Salesforce
  • Historical Trend Reporting
  • Splash Page creation

QA Automation Interview questions

QA Automation Interview questions

  1. Differentiate final , finally, finalize (Short Ans: final method can’t be overridden, final variable can’t be changed, finally goes with try/catch, finalize is garbage collector)
  2. how to handle exceptions in java (Ans: try catch, throws, etc)
  3. how to use parameters in cucumber/testNG (Ans: scenario outline,tidy gherkin plugin, vs testng.xml-suite,test,class,method;)
  4. compare TestNG and Cucumber BDD (Ans: testng.xml, POM,vs feature file,Junit testrunner,stepDefention, POM)
  5. how to validate flatfiles , db using Java (Ans: input filestream, driver class connection, server name, instance , authentication, sql statement)
  6. how to skip method/test in TestNG, Cucumber BDD (Ans: testng.xml, annotation, cucumber tags on testrunner)
  7. differentiate encapsulation , abstraction
  8. what are interface and explain the methods – webdriver interface, driver object reference, FF/IEdriver class (Since interface can not be instantiated)
  9. write programs – sort array, print number in reverse, print string reverse, etc
  10. how does SSL works , public key-private key, session encryption etc
  11. method overridden vs method overloading (super class methods are overridden by child class when both has same methods, overload – one class has multiple methods with same method name but different parameters)
  12. Selenium automation challenges (ajax – webdriver wait methods, frames switch, alert.accept, multiple windows handlers, pdf in webpage, alert vs modal confuse, dynamic id,name-use xpath contains, etc)
  13. handle dropdown – select class
  14. feature file extension
  15. bufferbuilder usage
  16. what is background, scenarios outline, before/afterhooks vs tags, 
  17. usage of autoit, robotclass, javascript executor, 
  18. Jenkins schedule batch, report generation, 
  19. grid setup, hub and node, run on dos prompt, or use JSON file to configure nodes and run JSON on commandline..then connect in Jenkins 
  20. how to manage Git versions between two teams
  21. What is data structure and use of it test automation

Nested Java program loops

Nested Java program loops

import java.util.Scanner;

class NestedIfElse {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int marksObtained, passingMarks;
char grade;

passingMarks = 40;

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.println(“Input marks scored by you”);

marksObtained = input.nextInt();

if (marksObtained >= passingMarks) {

if (marksObtained > 90)
grade = ‘A’;
else if (marksObtained > 75)
grade = ‘B’;
else if (marksObtained > 60)
grade = ‘C’;
grade = ‘D’;

System.out.println(“You passed the exam and your grade is ” + grade);
else {
grade = ‘F’;
System.out.println(“You failed and your grade is ” + grade);