What is polymorphism in java with example

What is polymorphism in java with example

polymorphism means one object can take multiple forms. lets explain this using a method poly() in java class.


  1. create a package polymorphismPkg in eclipse
  2. create a class polymorphismClass  in eclipse
  3. now write below code in the class polymorphismClass  

package polymorphismPkg;

public class polymorphismClass {

public static void main(String[] args) {

polymorphismClass obj1 = new polymorphismClass();

obj1.poly(1, 2);
obj1.poly(1, 2, 3);
obj1.poly(1, 22.11);


public static void poly(int a, int b)

System.out.println(“this is first method for polymorphism”);

public static void poly(int n, int b, int c)

System.out.println(“this is like first method but number of argument is different in signature “);


public static void poly(int n, double b)

System.out.println(“this is like first method but argument order is different in the signature “);

