AZ 900 notes 📝 helps for exam preparations:
- Network Security group (NSG) to allow/deny traffic with in Subnet
- Azure monitor shows the health of entire Azure Infrastructure but Vinrtual Machine Blade shows health of Virtual Machine(VM) level.
- Azure advanced threat protection prevents attacks and threats
- Azure advanced Identity protection and Azure privileged Identity management helps Identity protection
- Azure public preview does not guarantee any SLA.
- Powershell and command prompt used for launching Azure commandline interface
- Azure DevOps pipeline is used for build, deploy and test code
- Disk attached to VM incur costs apart from VM cost
- Azure AD Identity protection uses policies to enforce Multi factor Authentication (MFA)
- Azure Identity Management provides access to resources or uses to have to have additional verification or authentication
- Azure scale set creates/deploys VMs
- Azure load balancer to route traffic to backend/OS level.
- Azure web apps to host web apps.
- Azure Traffic Manager for DNS based traffic routing
- Azure data lake or SQL Datawarehouse is to store large data and for infrequent access needs. PowerBI used to visualize data
- Azure AD Basic comes with 99.9% SLA.
- Subnet is part of network security
- Azure region in middle east is UAE
- Germany and China Azure region requires special contracts.
- Azure trust center lists the Azure certified standards
- Azure service health alerts service issues or region wide down issues.
- Azure firewall and threat intelligence block to and from traffic to malicious IP or domains.
- DDoS attacks slow down, exhausts or stop app resources
- Azure AD connect helps to sync On premises AD and Azure AD
- Azure App Service and Azure SQL databases would be supported by PaaS solutions.
- To minimize capital and operational expenditure, a private cloud is recommended for an existing on premises infrastructure looking for additional resources
- Make sure deploying VMs into two or more AZs to avoid downtime.
- Deploying our data centers are Capital expenditure
- Azure Resource Manager helps to setup common platform for object deployment to cloud infra and also make sure consistency across Azure infra.
- Azure functions supports serverless computing capabilities
- Azure firewall controls the traffic to Azure virtual networks
- Files service storage solution in Azure is meant for mapped drive.
- Azure advisor provides guidance and recommendation on VM costing , improve Azure environment
- It is not an option to use Azure cloud shell for Chrome OS for running PowerShell scripts
- Fault tolerance is the ability to remain operational without any failure.
- Same Azure DDoS protection plan supports Virtual network from multiple subscribers