DevOps #2 What is Rolling Updates or Deployment | Incremental node updates on multi node environment
Rolling updates are done for Multi node environment. Here each node will be taken out, upgraded, smoke tested and then redeployed. Process repeated until all nodes are upgraded individually
Pros: Incremental, zero downtime incremental deployement
Cons: unpredictable behavior may be noticed due to each node level updates
For Ansible Molecule setup the following commands needs to be executed: 1.pip install 2.virtualenv ansible(will create virtual env for python with ansible name)
cd ansible (to go to ansible folder)
source bin/activate (to activate python env)
pip install molecule anisble molecule[docker] docker Now, verify ansible and molecule version
ansible –version
molecule –version
run command :
molecule init role -r my-ansible-molecule-role
cd my-ansible-molecule-role
folder “my-ansible-molecule-role” will have following folders 1.defaults 2.handlers 3.meta 4.molecule 5.tasks 6.vars except molecule, all folders have main. yml