19 regular expression methods in UFT/QTP
1. Period (.) is used to represent or replace any symbol except new line
2. Asterisk (*) represents zero or more occurrences
3. Caret (^) sign instructs beginning of the line
4. Dollar ($) sign instructs end of line
5. \b instructs Word boundary
6. ? instructs zero or more occurrences
7. + instructs one or more occurrences
8. {} represents exact number of occurrences
9. [] represents any character in the set
10. [^] represents any character NOT in the set
11. () represents Group
12. I represents Or
13. \n represents new line
14. \W represents any non-Word character
15. \d is any digit
16. \D is any non-digit
17. \s is any white space character
18. \S is any non- white space character
19. \ is escape special character