How to Implement Maven TestNG Selenium Grid project
High level Steps:
note: I will be adding detailed description for each steps below,
1. Install Eclipse Editior
2. In Eclipse, navigate to “Help >> Install New Software” then install Maven plugin.
3. Create a Maven project, which will have a pom.xml having the option to add all dependencies jars.
like TestNG, XLS API jars, Reporting jars etc.
4. Once that is made, convert the project into TestNG project that process will generate another xml file. (name it as testng.xml)
5. Now in Eclipse project, create a package and class. Write your programs in it.
6. In the testng.xml, mention the class names which will be included while run.
7. Now right click on pom.xml file and run as “Maven test” which will download dependency jars and store to project and then run the program.