How to run jenkins locally
1) go to and download Jenkins.war file
2) place the war file in a folder (e.g. C:\Jenkins\Jenkins.war )
3) then open command prompt (windows start menu > run > cmd will open command prompt )
4) in command prompt, go to folder C:\Jenkins\ ( command : “CD C:\Jenkins\” ) and then run command ” java -jar Jenkins.war “
5) this will exract a folder name “.jenkins” into your user folder ( the path is usually “C:\users\”your login”\.jenkins”
6) copy “.jenkins” folder and paste to folder C:\Jenkins\, so that you have “C:\Jenkins\.jenkins” as the folder path.
7) Now you setup a Enviroment variable (to set up that go to Control panel > system > Advanced System settings )
8) then add Enviroment variable as “JENKINS_HOME” and value as “C:\Jenkins\.jenkins”
you all set to run Jenkins on your machine !
open a browser and type “localhost:8080”