Robot framework and Selenium2Library

Robot framework and Selenium2Library

Selenium2Library is library created for web testing. Robot framework utilizes this framework

Robot framework is mainly used for acceptance testing and it supports different browsers like IE, Chrome, Firefox etc.

Robot framework can be hosted in Github and script execution can be managed using Jenkins. I will be writing a detailed step by step documentation on Robot framework web testing  implementation.

Jenkins vs GitHub

Jenkins vs GitHub

Jenkins allow continuous integration which helps developers or Automation testers to integrate code into a shared repository. It acts an open source automation server for test automation projects. Jenkins offers lots of plugins to integrate various tools.

GitHub is a web-based hosting service supporting distributed version control of codes. for e.g. if someone already registered a domain for a website in GoDaddy or similar domain services site but looking for a free hosting service, Github can be used to store code. Go daddy and Github should be linked to make this happen.

What is Structured Query Language(SQL)

What is Structured Query Language(SQL)

SQL is Structured Query Language. e.g.MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server both are relational database management systems)
Data Definition L (DDL) – Create, Alter, Drop
Data Manipulation Language (DML)- Select , Insert, Update, Delete
Data Control Language(DCL) – Grant, Revoke