hello world first java program

hello world first java program

Creating first Java project

  1.  first you need to install Eclipse IDE – can be downloaded from https://www.eclipse.org

Eclipse will look like below,

2) create a project using Eclipse IDE, and give name as “Hello world”

Java project

3) create a package as shown below

Java Package

4) create a class as below,

Java class

5) fill the package name and class name as below,

Class creation

6) now insert/write the following program , since by default package and class name appears int the code

public static void main (String [] args)

System.out.println(“Hellow world………………. “);
System.out.println(“this is my first progrm”);


now you see the package name and class name are matching with the left pan tree structure as per below email. Also notice when you execute the results are displayed below.

Java - Hello world